Monday, January 23, 2012

La Dolce Vita.

Today was the prettiest and warmest day we've had so far here in Macerata - 54F!!

Also, I don't really have all that much new to say, and eventually I'me sure the frequency of these posts will dwindle, but this is SUPER IMPORTANT.

I had my first Italian gelato cone today.

Everyone else in my apartment is taking the Modern Italy class, so I wandered around the city on my own for a while after Cinema class (where we watched Roman Holiday!). I found a super cute little record store with posters of the following artists: Queen, Led Zeppelin (speaking of which.... watch this: --thanks Erin Sheek!!), Daft Punk, Prince, Madonna, Kiss, and every other random American artist from the last century. Have I mentioned how much they love American music? So much. I'll probably be more tired of Rihanna when I get home that I ever would be living in the USA - not an exaggeration.

Anyway, then I walked by this little café and saw that they had their gelato out! Most of the gelato shops are closed for the season, just like Dairy Castle, but a couple of the café's have gelato year round (but it hasn't been quite warm enough for it yet). So today, full of happiness that I'm not in class, that the sun is shining, that it's warm, that I'm in Italy - I decided to stop and try to get gelato on my own. 2 scoops, 2 euros. Pure heaven. And anyone who has ever spend a day with me knows I went straight for the cioccolato (I promise to try new flavors next time). Now, I've had Italian gelato in America (owned by an Italian, anyway), but either I forgot how delicious it was or it's just been that long. Then I walked around the city, licking at my cone, looking out at the countryside, and being purely Italian (in my mind, at least -- I saw a couple of people looking at me so it may have been a painfully touristy thing to do, Italians don't tend to eat and walk at the same time). It was so nice! What did you ask, did I have gelato all over my face? I think you're missing the point...

They really do walk slower, take more time to talk to people, and enjoy life more here. There is less of a focus on doing things in life, and more on just living it.

Are these sugary observations a result of the gelato/sugar high I'm on? Considering it's the first processed sugar I've had in couple of days, most definitely. Am I going to go do my 20 minute Insanity video now because I know there had to be a ridiculously large amount of calories in that cone? Of course (how American, to worry about that). Will Shaun T. be able to sweat out my happiness? Absolutely not, mostly because it's a little difficult to do all of the workout on the tile, so I have to improvise, which mostly just means staring at my computer screen while they work really hard.

Still, it was a truly picturesque moment, and if I could bring gelato back with me, it's what I'd bring to every single one of you.

PS. The title of the post means "The Sweet Life," for those of you who don't speak Italian. It's also the title of a famous Italian film.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh! jealous, envious, think I'll grab some ice cream
